Augmenting Local Nephrology Coverage with Telemedicine

Access TeleCare Case Study

When faced with losing their only on-site nephrologist, a pair of hospitals turned to Access TeleCare to deliver expert nephrology care via telemedicine for their communities.

Creating Sustainable Models of Care with TeleNephrology

Two hospitals that are part of the same health system were faced with the imminent retirement of their single on-site nephrologist who covered both locations. They needed a more sustainable model for the future that also allowed them to transition the existing provider into retirement seamlessly. Access TeleCare’s telenephrology program provided a seamless transition and sustainable care model.

Nephrology Challenges Faced by Hospitals

  • Maintaining expert nephrology care: With the imminent departure of their sole on-site nephrologist, the hospitals needed a sustainable solution for nephrology coverage in their communities.
  • Reducing outbound transfers: The hospitals faced an increase in outbound transfers for patients with complex nephrology care needs without a sustainable solution.
  • Program stability: The hospitals were seeking a way to seamlessly transition the outgoing nephrologist into retirement while at the same time planning for the future of the nephrology program.
  • Achieving expert care coordination: The hospitals needed an effective and efficient method for coordinating care between hospital staff and local dialysis centers.

“With rates of chronic kidney disease rising in the U.S., along with an increased incidence of diabetes and other factors associated with risk of developing kidney disease, it’s imperative that hospitals have consistent nephrology coverage to meet care needs. With telemedicine, hospitals can circumvent the national shortage of nephrologists, having almost immediate access to specialty knowledge and expertise without transferring patients elsewhere.”

– Saurin Patel, M.D.
Access TeleCare Chief of Hospitalist Medicine and Emerging Service Lines

As with all its telemedicine programs, Access TeleCare fully integrates with the hospitals’ on-site teams, following their internal processes and procedures and working in their EMR.

Having a dedicated pod of board-certified teleNephrologists for each hospital also ensures professional relationship building and seamless communication and collaboration among care teams.

Our TeleNephrology Solution

Access TeleCare was engaged in 2023 to provide comprehensive telenephrology coverage and ensure long-term stability of the nephrology service. Access TeleCare deployed a pod of nephrologists to provide inpatient coverage via telemedicine three weeks out of each month with the local nephrologist continuing to work one week per month. The results were increased retention of more complex, high-acuity patients, reduced length of stay and readmissions, and stabilized Medicare revenue.

Access TeleCare’s teleNephrologists fully integrated with local hospital physicians and staff and local dialysis centers to co-manage inpatient care for all
nephrology patients from admission through discharge to outpatient care and management.

TeleNephrology Program Results

36% Reduction in length of stay

Reduction in length of stay

The hospitals achieved a 36 percent reduction in length of stay for patients with nephrology care needs.

18% Reduction in readmissions

Reduction in readmissions

Access TeleCare’s teleNephrology program helped reduce readmissions for nephrology patients by 18 percent.

Increased retention by 24%

Increased retention

The hospitals achieved a 24 percent increase in retention of patients with the highest complexity diagnoses.

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