Cardiac Arrest Code Blue2024-05-01T13:05:36-05:00

Code Blue Telemedicine Programs

Improve Resuscitation Practices

Our founders and team pioneered the development and use of Code Blue telemedicine programs for patients experiencing cardiac arrest in 2015. This service line is staffed by highly trained physicians who are comfortable in intense situations requiring patient resuscitation.

Code Blue Best Practice

Code Blue Best Practice

Since the inception of the Code Blue programs, our team has provided on-call cardiac arrest management for more than 1 million patients. These programs have reduced relative mortality rates by 17 percent and absolute mortality rates by 1.8 percent.

Our Successes

  • Reduce time to effective resuscitation and mortality.
  • Elevate the standard of care for nurses, respiratory therapists and other healthcare professionals.
  • Align care delivery with clinical guidelines.

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