
TeleNeurohospitalist Services

Comprehensive neurology coverage from admission to discharge.

Access TeleCare’s teleNeurohospitalists fully integrate with on-site hospital staff to co-manage inpatient care for all neurology patients from admission through discharge. TeleNeurohospitalists care for patients with stroke, epilepsy, severe migraine, movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurological conditions.

Increase Neurology Revenue and Improve Patient Care
with teleNeurohospitalists

As more hospitals see increasing demand for acute specialty neurology care coupled with a growing shortage of neurologists, teleNeurohospitalist programs are an effective solution to provide high-quality inpatient care for all neurology patients.

Access TeleCare‘s dedicated panels of specialty trained teleNeurohospitalists are committed to professional relationship building, seamless communication and collaboration with the patient’s care team, and effective and efficient co-management with on-site colleagues.

Impact of teleNeurohospitalist Services

In just one year, six Tennessee hospitals with Access TeleCare teleNeurohospitalist programs saw:

Increase in neurology revenue at inpatient hospitals
Reduction in transfers of
neurology patients
Neurology revenue growth attributed to patients with neurological conditions other than stroke
Increase in neurology admission revenue for post-acute rehabilitation hospital

Key Benefits of Access TeleCare teleNeurology Programs

Reduce Physician Staffing Costs

Reduce Physician Staffing Costs

If a hospital only needs 1/5th of a teleNeurohospitalist’s time, it can have that, coupled with 24-7 emergency coverage, for less than it would cost to recruit and retain an in-person neurologist.

Reduce Patient Transfers

Reduce Patient Transfers

Timely access to neurologists means hospitals can retain more patients as expert teleNeurohospitalists identify patients who do not require a transfer and manage their entire care experience at their local hospital.

Increase Patient Volume and Case Mix Index

Increase Patient Volume and Case Mix Index

Hospitals can keep more of their complex, high-acuity patients by having consultation and inpatient management in-house via telemedicine.

Improve Quality of Care

Improve Quality of Care

Access TeleCare’s world-class teleNeurohospitalists fully integrate with on-site teams to provide excellent, comprehensive care. The hospital will be able to provide timely access to a full range of neurological care to improve outcomes.

Enhance Staff Satisfaction

Enhance Staff Satisfaction

For a hospital’s on-site clinicians, being able to provide what their patients need is tied to job satisfaction. Being able to meet patients’ care needs and not transfer them to a more remote facility is professionally rewarding.

Increase Neurology Revenue

Increase Neurology Revenue

By decreasing neurology patient transfers, increasing local retention of neurology patients, and increasing the case mix index of neurological patients with higher value DRGs – we have seen financial impacts such as an 80% increase in all-payer neurology revenue growth in one year following program deployment.

Fully Integrated TeleNeurohospitalists Covering Patients From Admission to Discharge

Read the whitepaper to discover how Access TeleCare’s teleNeurohospitalist program works, program benefits and results, and five key elements of a successful teleNeurohospitalist program.

In just one year with Access TeleCare’s teleNeurohospitalist program, one health system:

Increased revenue by
80 percent

Decreased outbound neurology transfers by
60 percent

Increased Medicare neurology inpatient admissions
79 percent

Increased revenue by 80 percent

Decreased outbound neurology transfers by 60 percent

Increased Medicare neurology inpatient admissions 79 percent

See how TeleNeurohospitalists helped one health system boost revenue by nearly 80%.

Fill out the form below to download the whitepaper.

TeleNeurology Solutions

teleNeurologist on Access TeleCare cart and doctor talking to patient in hospital bed


Our experienced neurologists can provide coverage anywhere in the hospital, including teleStroke in emergency departments.

doctors looking at brain scan together


TeleStroke care equips hospitals to care for patients experiencing strokes via telemedicine, including acute stroke care.

doctor looking at brain scan on screen


TeleNeurosurgeons provide guidance and identify patients with conditions requiring outbound transfers while supporting on-site staff to keep non-operative patients whenever medically appropriate and possible.

Dr. Annie Tsui
Chief of Neurology | Access TeleCare

“When integrated with on-site clinical teams to manage the full spectrum of inpatient neurological conditions, our teleNeurohospitalist programs generate a significant return on investment for hospitals while delivering superior patient outcomes.”

Access TeleCare’s teleNeurohospitalists fully integrated with on-site hospital staff to co-manage inpatient care for all neurology inpatients from admission through discharge. The teleNeurohospitalists cared for patients with stroke, epilepsy, severe migraine, movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurological conditions.

Our program helped six Tennessee hospitals achieve a 50 percent increase in inpatient neurology revenue and a 60 percent reduction in transfers of neurology patients.

TeleNeurology Articles

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