Access TeleCare’s infectious disease specialists turned what was initially diagnosed as a six-week hospital stay into one that lasted just a few days.

When an elderly man from Massachusetts contracted an infection while on vacation in South Carolina, the local care team initially recommended a six-week course of IV antibiotics that would have kept him away from home for over a month.

How Telemedicine Makes a Difference

After consulting with Dr. Jade Le, Access TeleCare’s chief of infectious disease, the patient was given an alternative care plan, one that saw him fly home the very next week to recuperate at home with oral antibiotics. The patient then received one final antibiotic IV infusion and was seen by a local infectious disease specialist who confirmed that the infection was gone.

“Cases like this are at the heart of what Access TeleCare is all about,” said Chris Gallagher, M.D., Access TeleCare CEO. “Delivering excellent specialty care quickly and keeping the patient at the center of care are central to what we do.” Contact us for more information.

Patient-Centered Infectious Disease Care
An Access TeleCare Patient Case Study