Behavioral Health Hospital Turns to Access TeleCare to Maintain 24/7 Psychiatric Care Amid Provider Shortages2025-02-17T11:09:20-06:00

Behavioral Health Hospital Turns to Access TeleCare to Maintain 24/7 Psychiatric Care
Amid Provider Shortages

Access TeleCare Case Study

Access TeleCare equipped one behavioral health hospital with a medical director and a full team of behavioral health professionals to help it eliminate its coverage gaps.

Behavioral Health Hospital Goes
100 Percent Virtual

The Challenge

An 84-bed behavioral health hospital, with both adolescent and adult care units, was challenged to recruit and maintain a sufficient number of providers to meet 24/7 care needs. The hospital found itself often relying on expensive locums to fill staffing gaps, but gaps remained.

The hospital needed a sustainable behavioral health provider solution that could reduce costs, while also improving the timeliness and quality of care being delivered.

The Solution

The hospital partnered with Access TeleCare to implement a 100 percent virtual behavioral health care program. The program provides 24/7 psychiatric coverage by a team of psychiatrists and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs), led by a Psychiatrist Regional Medical Director. The virtual team provides all diagnosis, treatment, and medication management services and is an integral part of the on-site team’s processes from admission to discharge, including daily rounding and 24/7/365 on-call coverage.

Access TeleCare’s dedicated team of providers worked closely with on-site staff, developing collaborative relationships and implementing a custom program to meet the facility’s needs. Access TeleCare also delivered a full system of care quality management, ensuring patient care meets the highest safety and quality standards.

Through the virtual behavioral health program, the hospital reduced its labor costs, expanded access to care through consistent coverage, and improved their overall clinical quality.

Moving to fully virtual care delivery is no small feat. That’s why every Access TeleCare program is custom-built to create a seamless transition for on-site teams that avoids disruptions to patient care and enhances employee satisfaction.”

– Chris Gallagher, M.D.
CEO | Access TeleCare

Behavioral Health Hospital Turns to Access TeleCare to Maintain 24/7 Psychiatric Care Amid Provider Shortages

When an 84-bed behavioral health hospital faced gaps in psychiatric coverage, it partnered with Access TeleCare to launch a fully virtual behavioral health program and meet patients’ care needs.

Learn more about our programs and how telemedicine can transform behavioral health care for your hospital and your community.

Program Results

15% Increase in Commercial Revenue

Commercial Revenue Increase

Virtual care delivery grew third-party payer revenue by 15 percent.

11% Improvement in Average Daily Census

ADC Improvements

Comprehensive virtual
coverage increased ADC
from ~62 to ~69.

20% Reduction in Average Length of Stay

Reducing Length of Stay

Average length of stay decreased from ~15 to ~12 days.

Keys to Program Success

With Access TeleCare’s 24/7 availability through telemedicine and commitment to meeting the hospital’s needs, length of stay decreased 20 percent, and average daily census and revenue increased. The “Breaking Through the Screen™” service delighted patients and on-site staff, allowing professional relationships to be quickly established.

Regular weekly meetings before, during, and after program launch supported the rapid development of a strong rapport with on-site teams. Access TeleCare providers conducted training sessions with on-site staff that fit their schedules. Access TeleCare’s specialists also trained the on-site medical staff on how to best work with providers virtually, ensuring a seamless transition to a fully virtual care delivery model. Six months after launch, the hospital continues to deploy a highly successful and 100 percent virtual behavioral health program.

More on Access TeleCare’s Behavioral Health Telemedicine Programs

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