Access TeleCare Critical Care programs give hospitals the support and capacity to reduce transfers of critically ill patients and effectively treat and manage high-acuity patients from day one.

Discover more benefits of an Access TeleCare virtual ICU (or teleICU) program and contact us to bring expert critical care to your ICU.

Benefits of Access TeleCare’s Virtual ICU programs:

Improved care for critically ill patients: 24/7/365 coverage from teleCritical Care specialists gives hospitals the capacity to proactively monitor critically ill patients and rapidly intervene, improving patient outcomes. Access TeleCare’s specialists promote collaboration, functioning as extensions of on-site teams and implementing best practices throughout the ICU.

Reduction in costs: With a low up-front investment and reduced locum tenens and recruiting costs, Access TeleCare’s TeleICU programs deliver significant financial benefits and operational efficiencies on top of immediate access to critical care experts.

See how Access TeleCare helped one rural Texas hospital establish the state’s first 100 percent virtual ICU.

Increased efficiency of ICU operations: TeleICU programs allow hospitals to quickly scale services while retaining the flexibility to adapt to current staffing and patient needs. Timely ICU discharges and efficient throughput and patient flow help hospitals maximize bed utilization and improve capacity management.

Improved quality for your ICU: With a proven track record as the first and longest standing telemedicine organization to earn Joint Commission Accreditation (2006), Access TeleCare delivers clinical excellence and comprehensive quality management supported by evidence-based practices and adherence to the latest clinical guidelines.

Watch Dr. Pritam Ghosh, Access TeleCare’s chief medical officer discuss the benefits of Rush Memorial Hospital’s virtual ICU program with the hospital’s VP of Nursing, Carrie Tressler.

Access TeleCare specialists track staff and patient satisfaction levels as part of a commitment to continuous improvement across every aspect of our telemedicine programs.

Higher patient and provider satisfaction: Patients and their families can rest easier knowing their local hospital provides timely and expert ICU care from dedicated specialists who prioritize a positive patient experience. On-site providers gain needed capacity and support from teleCritical Care specialists who help reduce burnout and increase on-site teams’ competency through expert care management and guidance.

Access TeleCare’s providers are a direct extension of on-site care teams, delivering expert care, guidance, and support to help hospitals effectively and efficiently provide critical care.

Contact us to learn more about virtual ICU services from Access TeleCare.

Additional Insight

Get more insight into Access TeleCare’s unique approach to telemedicine. From clinical workflows to ensuring coverage through world class physicians, we have hospitals and clinics covered across the country.