Access TeleCare president/CEO Chris Gallagher, M.D., recently sat down with the Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center (UMTRC) to discuss the importance of sustainable and reliable telemedicine programs on an episode of its A Virtual View podcast.

For telemedicine to continue expanding its role within the framework of modern healthcare, sustainability and reliable, patient-centered care must remain at the forefront.

“Virtual care can enhance patient care for hospitals that have hit their limits in terms of what they can do with their in-person staff,” said Gallagher. “We’re expanding access and improving capabilities, which translates into improved outcomes for patients.”

Access TeleCare partners with hospitals and clinics around the country to increase access to specialty care through sustainable telemedicine programs that deliver long-term clinical, operational, and financial solutions for hospitals and clinical excellence for patients.

Listen to the podcast here.

The UMTRC works towards the development of sustainable telemedicine programs by providing clinical and technical assistance to rural providers across Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. The UMTRC is part of the Indiana Rural Health Association.

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