Dr. Jade Le leads Access TeleCare’s growing infectious disease service line and runs a busy house of four kids, two dogs, and a host of backyard chickens. She also delivers life-saving care to patients with complex infections all over the country. Watch her discuss how telemedicine gave her back work-life balance and allows her to fulfill her role as a parent and physician leader.

Transcript: I’m a single mom of four and I have two dogs, some chickens, and a duck in the backyard.  And so as you can imagine, I got a very full and busy house. 

I can look up patients early in the morning, get the kids ready for school in the morning – sometimes drop them off for carpool and then come back and see a few patients, look up a few more patients, attend some of my zoom parent/teacher conferences, attend some of my administrative meetings, see patients in between, and run to the kitchen to throw something in the instapot.  

By the time [the kids] come home (after I’ve seen a few more patients), there’s a snack ready for them or even dinner ready for them, and I can attend some of their after school sporting events or other after school activities. 

And that for me as a physician mom is incredible.  I don’t feel like I have to put work above my kids and I can put my kids and work sort of on the same plane, or even put my kids above because I know I can get my work done from home. Every once in a while, I touch base with them and say “how do you think I feel about this job?”  [They reply] “Mom, we can tell you really love your job. Mom, we can tell that you really love what you do!” And for me to pass that to my kids for them to know that I love what I do, that I can be a mom to them and be a doctor taking care of patients and I’m happy, I feel fulfilled and not burned out, that’s an incredible feeling.  I feel like I have fantastic work-life balance. I can be there for my patients and I can be there for my kids and I can be here for the practice as well.  

And I feel like I’ve got a tremendous amount of support behind me to enable me to do what I really want to do, which is help take care of patients in the best way that I can.  

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