May 6 – 12 is National Nurses Week, a time to celebrate the nurses who partner with our physicians to deliver specialty care through telemedicine.

Every year, National Nurses Week takes place during the week of Florence Nightingale’s birthday to celebrate the health care professionals who embody Nightingale’s tireless efforts to better patients’ lives.

Telemedicine Partnerships Made Possible by Nurses

Access TeleCare’s telemedicine programs depend on strong partnerships with on-site nurses who collaborate with telemedicine specialists and play a vital role in the coordination and delivery of specialty care.

Coordination with on-site nurses ensures a smooth and successful integration with existing processes and workflows, helping hospitals implement telemedicine programs quickly and effectively. From facilitating telemedicine visits with Access TeleCare specialists to managing treatment plans, a strong on-site nursing team is an essential component of Access TeleCare’s telemedicine programs.

Supporting Nurses With Telemedicine

Through a telemedicine partnership with Access TeleCare, hospitals and clinics also can elevate their nursing staff’s knowledge and comfort level with providing complex care, raising their professional competencies, supporting professional development and advancement, and enhancing work satisfaction – all keys to successful nurse retention.

Support for education, positive physician-nurse relationships, nurse autonomy, and nurse manager support are key factors that reduce burnout and increase nurse retention, and Access TeleCare’s specialists are committed to supporting hospital nursing staff and advancing their capabilities to care for and retain patients with complex care needs.

Additional Insight

Get more insight into Access TeleCare’s unique approach to telemedicine. From clinical workflows to ensuring coverage through world class physicians, we have hospitals and clinics covered across the country.