Telemedicine today has had the perhaps unintended, yet immensely valuable, consequence of changing health care together by providing easy, low-friction access to expert specialist opinion. “Once on-site care teams learn [the telemedicine physician] is available to see their patients, they start coming to her with many more questions than was initially intended….her presence changes the care altogether,” writes Dr. Jason Hallock, Access TeleCare’s chief clinical innovation officer in a new article for Forbes Business Council.

On-site nurses, physicians, and other clinicians find the availability of telemedicine physicians extremely valuable. “The care becomes more comprehensive,” writes Hallock.

And, this is just the beginning. The full power of telemedicine to transform U.S. healthcare is as yet unknown.

Read the full article here.

Access TeleCare is the country’s largest inpatient telemedicine provider with more than 2,240 specialty telemedicine programs across the country. These programs include pulmonary and critical care, psychiatry, neurology, cardiology, infectious disease, and maternal-fetal medicine.