Rapid Acute Care Emergency Response (RACER)

Telemedicine, Deployed Fast in an Emergency

When emergency strikes—whether from a pandemic, hurricane, severe weather, or the unforeseen—Access TeleCare stands at the ready with Rapid Acute Care Emergency Response (RACER). With RACER, hospitals can stand up telemedicine programs in as little as 72 hours, allowing your hospital to mobilize for remote care. In order to protect scarce clinical resources and manage volatile surges in inpatient demand during a crisis, our implementation team can rapidly deploy a telemedicine program that will maximize your clinical capacity.

How does RACER work ?

Access TeleCare has built a robust telemedicine platform you can use to mobilize your own physicians for remote work in an emergency.

RACER implementations include:

  • Use of your own equipment (after a quick compatibility test).
  • Video technology services. Clear video and sound quality. Easy to use for providers and staff.
  • Call center management. Based on acuity, so sickest patients are seen first.
  • Consult intake automation. Click on a link to request a consult; no phone call is required to initiate a consult
  • Intelligent physician scheduling and dispatch/assignment tools Air traffic control so your providers are optimized
  • Mobile application for providers. Providers can accept consults from their phones, provide ETAs, and decline consults if they are unavailable. They can also be notified during surges even if they are off-shift
  • Clinical documentation.
  • 24/7 support.
  • Reporting & analytics, Understand call volume, and case mix. Review physician performance.