With Access TeleCare’s teleMaternal-fetal medicine program, virtually every hospital can have timely access to specialists who deliver timely and world-class patient care that goes well beyond on-demand consultations and assessments.

Access TeleCare’s teleMFM specialists operate as full members of our partners’ on-site care teams, fully integrating into existing workflows, EMR systems, and processes to efficiently and seamlessly deliver expert specialty care and guidance via telemedicine.

Access TeleCare maternal-fetal medicine program supports maternity providers to:

By delivering comprehensive coverage across the spectrum of maternal-fetal medicine, Access TeleCare enables hospitals of any size and location to deliver expert care regardless of the local availability of in-person maternal-fetal specialists. Timely availability and guidance from world-class telemedicine experts equips hospitals to achieve more healthy deliveries and improve outcomes while also quickly identifying patients in need of a transfer to a higher level of care – even for patients whose rare conditions initially go undetected.

Healthy Deliveries vs. High-Risk Complications: Telemedicine Can be the Difference

For one expectant patient, Access TeleCare’s teleMFM program was the difference between a healthy delivery and a potentially dangerous delivery in a rural hospital unequipped for the level of care the patient needed.

When on-site teams performed a routine ultrasound for the patient, the quality of the results necessitated a consultation with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. On-site teams quickly consulted with their dedicated Access TeleCare specialist who ordered a fetal echocardiogram, which revealed a new diagnosis of pulmonic stenosis, a rare and potentially fatal heart valve disorder that would not have been seen during a routine ultrasound.

“Effective and early diagnosis of critical fetal and maternal issues is paramount to optimizing outcomes for mothers and their babies,” Blake Porter, M.D., Access TeleCare’s chief of maternal-fetal medicine said. “Timely access to a telemedicine expert can better identify which patients are high risk and may require transfer to a higher level of care. For rural providers, Access TeleCare provides the medical expertise needed to improve pregnancy outcomes for all patients regardless of where they live.”

After coordinating with the patient’s on-site care team and a pediatric cardiologist, the specialist recommended the patient be transferred to a hospital equipped with a pediatric cardiologist and a pediatric cardiac surgeon to oversee what had become a high-risk and complex delivery. This timely assessment, diagnosis, and treatment recommendation helped the hospital avoid what would have been a surprising and dangerous local delivery, with Access TeleCare’s teleMFM specialist coordinating with on-site teams and the accepting hospital every step of the way.

Read more about this patient’s success story and see how Access TeleCare’s teleMaternal-Fetal Medicine programs make it possible for any hospital to make even rare and complex diagnoses that lead to better patient outcomes.