Specialty telemedicine offers an immediate solution to specialty shortages, as hospitals and health systems can get the most out of available resources rather than competing to recruit and retain a limited pool of physicians. Access TeleCare’s programs partner with hospitals to implement specialty care service lines that can stand alone or can augment on-site physician availability to ensure full 24/7 coverage.

When Megan Brown and her husband arrived for a routine ultrasound at 20-weeks gestation, her OBGYN noticed an abnormal mass on the baby’s lungs. Thanks to her OBGYN’s partnership, she and her husband were able to begin regular appointments with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist without the burden of traveling to an urban center. See how the convenience of teleMaternal-Fetal Medicine helped one family get the access they needed to crucial specialty services.

Additional Insight

Get more insight into Access TeleCare’s unique approach to telemedicine. From clinical workflows to ensuring coverage through world class physicians, we have hospitals and clinics covered across the country.