When hospitals look for alternatives to hiring or contracting with staff or full-time physicians because of recruitment and/or retention challenges and expenses, they typically prioritize the expertise of the physicians. They want to make sure the physicians they bring in are of the quality and caliber their patients expect. That caliber can be assessed by looking at education and training, experience, and outcomes.

Hospitals that partner with Access TeleCare to augment or enhance local specialty capacity also prioritize physician collegiality, collaboration, and cohesiveness with on-site teams because they know that clinical excellence depends on open communication, trust, and reliability, as well as physician clinical expertise.

How Access TeleCare Delivers Telemedicine Excellence

For more than a decade, Access TeleCare has purposefully built telemedicine programs that prioritize full integration of telemedicine specialists with on-site teams and processes.

This integration is achieved in a couple of ways.

First, Access TeleCare dedicates a pod of physicians to each partner hospital. These physicians become part of the care team, even though they are not physically present. The ongoing collegial relationship between the virtual physician(s) and the on-site health care professionals, whether that’s other physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, or pharmacists, is paramount.

Access TeleCare physicians and on-site nurses are on a first-name basis, and proactive communication is encouraged and promoted. Partner hospitals call our physicians directly instead of navigating call centers, and the Access TeleCare physicians perform daily rounds just as if they were in-person.

Second, Access TeleCare physicians document in real time in the hospital’s EHR. This approach decreases time to implementation and builds rapport between onsite and online clinicians, reducing waste and inefficiency. This native EHR documentation gives the entire care team real-time visibility into the treatment plan. There’s no waiting to find out the physician’s recommendations or next steps.

Access TeleCare’s approach to delivering clinical excellence for partner hospitals is more than just physician expertise. It’s physician expertise and an integrated workflow that eliminates inefficiencies for on-site teams, builds relationships, and delivers a superior patient and clinician experience. Contact us to learn more.

Additional Insight

Get more insight into Access TeleCare’s unique approach to telemedicine. From clinical workflows to ensuring coverage through world class physicians, we have hospitals and clinics covered across the country.