Dependable teleHospitalist Services
Admit more patients from your ED and care for more complex patients
Our teleHospitalist service line consists of purely telemedicine and hybrid (in-person and telemedicine) programs for both daytime and nighttime coverage.
Access TeleCare telemedicine hospitalists manage all aspects of an inpatient’s care and are hospitals’ partners in directing hospital utilization to optimize outcomes and quality.
Manage & Coordinate Patient Care
An Access TeleCare teleHospitalist program provides:
- 24/7 on demand access to telemedicine hospitalist care
- Night shift and/or on-call support for hospitals’ existing hospitalists to ensure 24/7 coverage.
- Surge and physician coverage, as needed, to fill gaps.
- Coordination with other on-site and telemedicine specialists for integrated care.
TeleHospitalist Benefits:
- Enhanced emergency department throughput
- Decreased number of unnecessary transfers
- Improved patient satisfaction
- Reduced length of stay
- Improved case mix index
- Increased number of procedures performed locally
- Increased timeliness of care
- Reduced care delivery costs
- Physician availability within minutes 24 hours a day
Hospitalist Challenges Telemedicine Can Help Solve
Hospitalists, in general, are the decathletes of the healthcare industry. [...]