When something is missed on an obstetrical ultrasound, patients can experience delays in care that may have profound effects on the health and outcome of their pregnancy.

Access TeleCare’s teleMaternal-fetal medicine specialists consistently identify abnormalities in 6% of ultrasounds deemed “normal” by the local sonographers and physicians.

“A timely and accurate diagnosis means timely care for patients,” said Dr. Amanda Horton, Access TeleCare’s chief of maternal-fetal medicine. “When abnormalities are missed, it can cause potentially serious delays in care for patients.”

For some patients, catching abnormalities early can simply mean a follow-up ultrasound or additional testing. Other patients may require a referral to additional specialists or a transfer to another facility for a higher level of care. Early detection gets them the care they need sooner and allows for more time to arrange for travel involved in transfer care.

TeleMaternal-Fetal Medicine Provides Timely Care

In rare cases like life-threatening cardiac abnormalities, delays in care can change the entire course of a patient’s pregnancy, and a missed diagnosis can potentially be fatal.

“We offer an excellent solution to this problem,” said Dr. Horton. “Our programs ensure that no patient suffers a delay in care because of an inaccurately interpreted ultrasound.”

An accurate screening and interpretation process leads to timely diagnoses and care for all patients seen by an Access TeleCare teleMaternal-fetal specialist, helping hospitals, clinics, and birthing centers deliver excellent ultrasound interpretations and reduce delays in care caused by an inaccurate diagnosis.

Learn more about our teleMaternal-Fetal medicine program.

Additional Insight

Get more insight into Access TeleCare’s unique approach to telemedicine. From clinical workflows to ensuring coverage through world class physicians, we have hospitals and clinics covered across the country.