Addressing behavioral health hospitals’ challenges through telemedicine 

Access TeleCare’s inpatient telePsychiatry program is uniquely positioned to support behavioral health hospitals by providing 24/7 treatment for patients facing complex behavioral and mental health challenges in emergent and inpatient settings. The program gives hospitals the resources to care for patients by offering continuous access to inpatient telePsychiatry services such as inpatient assessments and daily monitoring.

Scheduled telePsychiatry is also available for admitted patients with underlying, non-urgent psychiatric complications. Patients are seen the same or next day, depending on time to request the consult.

Telepsychiatry services offering emergency, outpatient, and consultation-liaison care. Quote from Access TeleCare Chief of Psychiatry John Kenny, M.D.

Get more insight into our telePsychiatry operations

Delivering psychiatric care in the most efficient ways to integrate with clinical operations

Inpatient telePsychiatry services include:

  • Inpatient assessments

  • Daily monitoring and continuity of care

  • Medication management

  • Mental health education
  • Psychiatric counseling

  • Discharge planning and management