
How teleMaternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists Support Mothers, Babies, and Hospitals

2024-07-01T14:28:56-05:00August 12, 2021|

Sina Haeri, MD, MHSA, is Vice President, Women & Children’s Health and Chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine for Access Physicians, a division of Access TeleCare. He shares his latest research project and explains how teleMaternal-Fetal Medicine (teleMFM) specialists support mothers, babies, and hospitals. [...]

10 Lessons Learned after over a Million Telemedicine Consults

2024-07-23T16:15:54-05:00July 29, 2021|

Access TeleCare began providing teleNeurology consultations in 2004. As we built our telemedicine practice to include telePsychiatry and teleICU, we skinned our knees and learned a lot of valuable lessons. Our physicians, hospital partners, Consult Coordination Center, and quality team all provided [...]

Telemedicine for Mental Health During the Pandemic

2024-07-23T15:56:22-05:00May 5, 2021|

By Traci Richards, Ph. D., Manager of Behavioral Health Services, Chesapeake Regional Healthcare Chesapeake Regional Medical Center scales up telePsychiatry during the pandemic and finds some care delivery best practices along the way Chesapeake Regional Medical Center has collaborated with Access TeleCare for on-demand access to board-certified psychiatrists since 2014. [...]

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